FRIDAY 56 & Book Beginnings 20.05.16.


Friday 56 is hosted by Freda’s Voice and Friday Book Beginnings by Rose City Reader.

Goodmorning everyone. Sorry I didn’t do this Friday meme last week, but.. I didn’t even think about it last week. I had a day off with my husband and we spend the entire day working at our home to make it even more to our tastes. So yeah, I was so distracted that I completely forgot ! But well, this week I’m doing better and I will do this meme again !!

I didn’t really know which book to choose for this week. I just finished some books and didn’t know yet what to read next.. I’m currently much more in the mood for something nice and fluffy, because I’m having a hard time concentrating. I don’t want to think too much haha, so some contemporary romance is much more to my taste at the moment. That said, I’ve chosen something which I hope you might be interested in as well…


FIRST Sentence.
“Dusty, empty shoe boxes, stacked taller and wider than her slim body, wobbled as she pressed her back against them, tucking her bony knees into her chest.
Breathe. Just breathe. Breathe.
Wedged in the back of the dingy closet, she didn’t dare make a sound as she sucked her lower lip between her teeth. Focusing on forcing every grimy breath into her lungs, she felt tears well in her eyes.
Oh, gosh, she’d made such a big mistake, and Miss Becky was right. She was a bad girl.”

PAGE 56.
“Some would probably disagree, but I wasn’t completely naïve or sheltered. I’d grown up in a house where I saw a lot of stuff. The month I’d spent in the group home was also pretty educational. Guys would hang around outside the building, recruiting younger kids to run drugs. I’d seen older kids in that house pass out mid-conversation. In a matter of a month, I knew kids who simply vanished, lost to the streets. I also had a good idea why Jayden’s eyes were bloodshot yesterday, and a tinted-out vehicle rolling up into the parking lot probably wasn’t full of people selling Girl Scout cookies.”

I hope I made you a bit curious about this book.. ^^ Have a nice weekend. 



  1. I've read a couple of Armentrout's books before, and I really liked them. So this one seems like one I would read, thanks for sharing. :-)

    1. Yes, I really like her books too, Thanks for visiting :)

  2. I am curious. I've read a couple of her books too but know I have quite a number yet to read. This week I am spotlighting Marked in Flesh by Anne Bishop. Happy reading!

    1. Ohh how awesome that you're posting about The Others !! Thanks for visiting :)

  3. Sounds gritty! I love it! Happy weekend!

  4. Just heard of this author this week. This sounds interesting.

    1. She has a lot of good books ! Thanks for visiting :)

  5. I'm definitely curious. The opening draws me in, and the 56 makes me want to know more about the character's life. I'd keep reading.
    My Friday post features THE LIE THAT TELLS A TRUTH.

    1. Great that I made you curious ^^ Thanks for visiting :)

  6. That definitely has my curiosity peaked. I might be checking this one out fairly soon.

    1. Mission accomplished on my part ^^ Thanks for visiting :)

  7. I am curious although his wounds bit depressing. I like the excerpts. Enjoy!

    1. So far I do not find it depressing, so I hope you will give it a chance !! Thanks for visiting :)

  8. I'm definitely curious about this one! I need to finish the Lux series before I read any of her other books though. This one sounds really great.

    1. Yes.. I still need to read the last to books in that serie.. They keep looking at me, but I haven't picked it up yet.. *sight*
      Thanks again for visiting :)

  9. Oh wow, what a strong picture comes to mind of a young gal in a closet with show boxes. What did she do?

    1. I'm not going to spoil, you should read it !! Thanks for visiting :)

  10. I haven't read anything by this author yet but I do have a couple of her books on my kindle - this does sound interesting - here's my Friday meme

    1. You should, she has great books, great writer. One of my favorites I think, Thanks for visiting :)

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