REVIEW Everealm.
TITLE. Everealm
AUTHOR. J.D. Wright
RELEASE DATE. October 31st 2014
PAGES. 284
GENRE. Historical, Young Adult
I received this copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review, thank you for giving me the opportunity !
Breestlin cannot escape her destiny to become ruler of her father's kingdom, but she never planned to become queen at twenty-three years of age. Upon the return of her first love, Rowan, Bree must quickly learn how to adapt to both her new responsibilities as a ruler and her inability to suppress her feelings for Rowan. To make matters more difficult, her outcast uncle, Silas, will stop at nothing to get what he desires, putting lives and the kingdom in danger. Bree must seek the assistance of the wizard, Dagan, who in a twist of fate discovers much more about his family (and himself) than he could ever imagine in this steamy love story, full of mystery and romance...
Danger awaits, as we journey through Everealm, the first book of the Everealm Series.
DNF - Out of boredom
This is the first part in the Everealm series, the first three are released, the forth still needs to come.
I got it for free through NetGalley and the story seemed very intriguing. It got a lot of 4 stars at Goodreads as well, so I decided to give it a try. I mean, a young girl becoming Queen in a magical kingdom, with an evil uncle and knights (and wizards) in shining armor. Sounds great right ?
WRONG. This book really wasn’t for me. After 10% through the book, no after a couple of pages I already started to dislike it.. Everything was so.. superficial, it stayed to the surface and nothing seemed to have an impact. Bad things happened, like the king died and stuff, but the way it was told it seemed like they were just taking a stroll through the park. Zero emotions or excitement.. Just BORING.
And confusing ! It is told through many different perspectives, but without warning we switch from one character to the other and I have no idea who is who and what is happening. That really threw me off a couple of times.
And some things just seemed to happen so randomly. One moment they are young and kissing and next, just out of nowhere, and oh yeah she lost her innocence a year later. And then they just go on in the future.. You know, maybe, those kind of moments are interesting and you could tell more about it then just one sentence. Give it more background. But well, because of that I thought maybe they don’t want to talk about that kind of things in this book. But later on, we switch to the uncle and all kinds of not innocent things start to happen ! That really confused me as well.. it seemed to come out of nowhere and it didn’t seem to be in line with the rest. I mean, I don’t mind some hot and sexy scenes, but this just seemed inappropriate XD I didn’t like it.
But, for me, the biggest drawback was the way it wat told, so monotonous. I felt like instead of being in the middle of the story, I was floating above it, watching it from a distant. I don’t like that, I want to be sucked into a story, that it holds me and I don’t want to let go. This was not like that at all. And because of that I could not relate to any of the characters, or sympathise with them. They all seemed so flat and boring… I could not care less for them, and that is not the way I want to read a story.
So I decided this book really isn’t worth my time, and I can better stop then let it bore me further. Though it is really regrettable, because if it had been written differently, the story might have been more intriguing and I would have finished it. But alas, that is not the case, so I will have to give it 1 Freyja. I would not recommend this book to anyone and I will not pick up the other instalments.
AUTHOR. J.D. Wright
RELEASE DATE. October 31st 2014
PAGES. 284
GENRE. Historical, Young Adult
I received this copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review, thank you for giving me the opportunity !
Breestlin cannot escape her destiny to become ruler of her father's kingdom, but she never planned to become queen at twenty-three years of age. Upon the return of her first love, Rowan, Bree must quickly learn how to adapt to both her new responsibilities as a ruler and her inability to suppress her feelings for Rowan. To make matters more difficult, her outcast uncle, Silas, will stop at nothing to get what he desires, putting lives and the kingdom in danger. Bree must seek the assistance of the wizard, Dagan, who in a twist of fate discovers much more about his family (and himself) than he could ever imagine in this steamy love story, full of mystery and romance...
Danger awaits, as we journey through Everealm, the first book of the Everealm Series.
DNF - Out of boredom
This is the first part in the Everealm series, the first three are released, the forth still needs to come.
I got it for free through NetGalley and the story seemed very intriguing. It got a lot of 4 stars at Goodreads as well, so I decided to give it a try. I mean, a young girl becoming Queen in a magical kingdom, with an evil uncle and knights (and wizards) in shining armor. Sounds great right ?
WRONG. This book really wasn’t for me. After 10% through the book, no after a couple of pages I already started to dislike it.. Everything was so.. superficial, it stayed to the surface and nothing seemed to have an impact. Bad things happened, like the king died and stuff, but the way it was told it seemed like they were just taking a stroll through the park. Zero emotions or excitement.. Just BORING.
And confusing ! It is told through many different perspectives, but without warning we switch from one character to the other and I have no idea who is who and what is happening. That really threw me off a couple of times.
And some things just seemed to happen so randomly. One moment they are young and kissing and next, just out of nowhere, and oh yeah she lost her innocence a year later. And then they just go on in the future.. You know, maybe, those kind of moments are interesting and you could tell more about it then just one sentence. Give it more background. But well, because of that I thought maybe they don’t want to talk about that kind of things in this book. But later on, we switch to the uncle and all kinds of not innocent things start to happen ! That really confused me as well.. it seemed to come out of nowhere and it didn’t seem to be in line with the rest. I mean, I don’t mind some hot and sexy scenes, but this just seemed inappropriate XD I didn’t like it.
But, for me, the biggest drawback was the way it wat told, so monotonous. I felt like instead of being in the middle of the story, I was floating above it, watching it from a distant. I don’t like that, I want to be sucked into a story, that it holds me and I don’t want to let go. This was not like that at all. And because of that I could not relate to any of the characters, or sympathise with them. They all seemed so flat and boring… I could not care less for them, and that is not the way I want to read a story.
So I decided this book really isn’t worth my time, and I can better stop then let it bore me further. Though it is really regrettable, because if it had been written differently, the story might have been more intriguing and I would have finished it. But alas, that is not the case, so I will have to give it 1 Freyja. I would not recommend this book to anyone and I will not pick up the other instalments.

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